Look Out Point.
Look Out Point is a location found in Avalanche Valley first explored in the episode My Sweet Swanana. Rory Rashberry brought Svetlana Swanana to this location for his date with her. They ended up falling off the mountain due to an avalanche caused by too much weight, and while falling down, she reveals she was very impressed by his date. She got married with him and soon they got a baby Pigxie.
The Look Out Point is a mountain top. At the Look Out Point, various mountains can be seen. A sign that defines how much weight will break the top is implanted on the mountain.
Svetlana Swanana, Rory Rashberry, Paulie Pretztail, and Fergy Fudgehog falling down Look Out Point.
A red sign representing that having a Rashberry, a Swanana, a Pretztail, and a Fudgehog is dangerous.