Viva Piñata Wiki
Viva Piñata Wiki

Dastardos (ダスタード Dasutādo), named Stardos earlier in his life, is one of the characters in the Viva Piñata series who made his first appearance in the first Viva Piñata game. He is known to smash any sick Piñatas with a stick, breaking them open and leaving nothing but Life Candy behind. Dastardos can phase through solid objects if trapped.


Stardos was the first child that Jardiniero and Mother had. At a young age, Stardos was taught by Jardiniero on how to raise a garden to attract piñatas. Stardos became an accomplished gardener. But then, when Mother and Jardiniero were away on a trip to search for the legendary Dragonache, trouble began to ensue. Jardiniero's former helper, Pester approached Stardos. He claimed that he has made a candy that can easily attract piñatas. Pester lured Stardos to his lair in the jungle and invited him to try some. Corrupted by the sourness, Stardos became Dastardos and now begins to smash any sick piñata with a stick. Jardiniero's family knows that Stardos has disappeared in the jungle, but never realized that he is Dastardos. Jardiniero claims that Dastardos reminds him of someone he used to know. Sad he hasn't figured it out yet, right?

Dealing with Dastardos[]

The best way to deal with Dastardos is to not have him show up. As long as you keep your pinatas healthy and call Patch fast enough you will not have to worry about him too much. However, there are multiple ways to slow him down if your pinatas do become sick.

  • Tamed Sherbats and Crowlas can distract him if directed to him.
  • Hitting him with the Dastardos Shovel Head upgrade will stun him.
  • Placing the Dastardos Scarer in your garden will significantly increase the time it takes for him to appear however he will still show up after about 10 minutes.
  • Simply having Patch get to the piñata first will cause him to leave.
  • He cannot be hit with any of the other shovels, doing so will simply have him turn his head while continuing his advance. He also cannot be trapped in a fence like Pester can. He will not leave your garden until the sick pinata is gone.


To see all pictures and videos about this topic, see Dastardos/Gallery.
Main Characters

Professor Pester · Ruffians · Leafos · Seedos · Storkos · Dastardos · Jardiniero · Langston Lickatoad

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